July 24, 2020 2 min read

Introducing the first Purifas® hygiene education ad campaign

We bet when COVID first broke, and hygiene education came in droves with seemingly obvious advice like “wash your hands”– you were baffled that people didn’t know this already!

COVID-19 has helped drive hygiene education – but there is still a long way to go.

Part of our mission to reduce infections during soft tissue therapy like physio and massage, includes hygiene education for consumers. You should be fully aware of what you might be putting your face into, and what can be done about it.


Introducing our new advertising campaign

We’re proud to share the launch of our new (and first!) social media campaign that aims to educate people around Australia of the infection risks of therapy beds. That little hole you’ve stuck your face into many times is a hot bed of germs and our research finds it is not sufficiently sanitised or protected.

The campaign which launched on the 16th of July, 2020 aims to:

  1. Educate: We want you to know the risks associated with therapy and what can be done to reduce them.
  1. Support: There are hundreds of therapists around the country who have adopted the only product that fully covers the therapy bed face hole - the Purifas® FaceShield™. This product is proven to reduce bacterial transmission by 86% and is the best option for protecting you when you’re lying face down.

    We wanted to show these therapists support and help hygiene conscious consumers like you find them easily. Is there one in your local area? You can find out here.
  1. Share: There are still therapists out there that are unaware of the infection risk of the massage bed. In fact, our product is so new they may not have heard of it yet. You can help spread the word (and not the germs) by nominating your therapist for a free sample pack which not only includes 10 FaceShields, but research and information on the infection risk in clinics.

    Want to get involved? You can nominate your therapist here.

Don’t just lie there! Get behind our mission to reduce infections during massage treatments.

Start by watching these two short videos and getting involved in the ways listed above.




Also in Blogs

5 Steps to Creating a Hygiene Culture in Your Clinic
5 Steps to Creating a Hygiene Culture in Your Clinic

July 10, 2024 4 min read

In this guide, we'll explore how you can create a culture that prioritises good hygiene in your clinic. From putting policies in writing to training your staff, every step plays a crucial role in building a healthy hygiene culture.

8 Signs Your Beauty Therapist is Unhygienic
8 Signs Your Beauty Therapist is Unhygienic

April 30, 2024 5 min read

When you step into a beauty salon, it’s more than just pampering; it’s an investment in your wellbeing. But not all salons prioritise cleanliness equally. While some maintain impeccable standards, others unknowingly put clients at risk. From contaminated tools to unsanitary practices there are several red flags to watch out for when choosing a beauty therapist. Read on to discover how to spot an unhygienic salon and make informed choices for your beauty treatments.
Your Therapy Bed’s New Best Friend!
Your Therapy Bed’s New Best Friend!

April 23, 2024 2 min read

Exciting news! The wait is finally over — introducing the Purifas Dream Topper!

Ready to transform your business, it's the ultimate solution for luxury and hygiene. If you're tired of laundry woes, want to prioritise hygiene without compromising on luxury, value your customers' experience and would love to extend the lifespan of your therapy bed, then the Purifas Dream Topper is a must-have!

Dive into our blog for all the juicy details.